I'm back with a vengeance. Yes, I've been away, with a little soul searching and vacation to Miami, I'm back and ready to embark on a new health endeavor. I plan to train for the IMT Des Moines Half Marathon on October 21 and eat only raw foods and juices during my training.
My time away was extremely productive and much needed. My perfectionist attitude was driving me to binge eat, give up, restart and spend my time constantly search for "the answer." I've done some soul searching and had a much-needed heart-to-heart conversation which has allowed me to shake the binge eating and continue to focus on clean eating, but with a more forgiving mindset.
I enjoyed my vacation with Tyler and allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. I put myself in a great position to succeed over vacation, but once I had a bite of ice cream, I was hooked on eating desserts every night. Not only that, but I over ate at each dinner. After this experience, I remember how much I hate feeling so full I could burst and how addicting sugar is.
I took a shot at a juice fast when I got back from vacation, but at about 4:00 p.m. I would cave and eat nuts or an avocado, then have a protein shake after workouts. This week, I'm making it my goal to make it through on just juice. I have also blended avocado and coconut milk in my juices to give me a boost of healthy fats.
Throughout the entire training process, I am committing to eating only raw foods and drinking only raw juices and water. I will kick my training off with the 5 day juice fast, then combine both raw juices and foods in my daily eats.
Running a half marathon is something I've always talked about doing, but have never had the guts to do. I've always underestimated my ability and often let me mind determine what I can and cannot do. I'm ready to push myself and see just what I am capable of. Also, I want to be mindful and conscious of what healthful habits and clean eating can really do.
Tomorrow starts my first day of training and I'm ready to take this on in full force. I've got some new running kicks, an armband for my iPhone, I've got some juices whipped up and a wonder blog to log my progress. Wish me luck!
PS-- Check out the new kicks!
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